rijkS, mAsters Of tHe GolDen Age

Marcel Wanders, 2016 - 2020

Product Design | Furniture | Book Design | Art Direction | Campaign | Video | Event | Packaging | Interior | Installation

A new benchmark for art books, four years in the making, ‘Rijks, Masters of the Golden Age’ (2016) pays homage to the 17th-century Dutch masterpieces from the Rijksmuseum’s prestigious Gallery of Honour. This groundbreaking volume with over 65 iconic paintings includes 30 thoughtful interviews revealing their influence on how we see the world today. Measuring 70 x 50 x 9 cm, weighting 35 kilo, accompanied by a wooden table, the ‘Limited Edition’ (2.500 ex) has a silver plated embossed cover in Italian cow leather, it is printed with the finest high-pigmented inks on custom-made paper and is manually bound by the binders of the Vatican. Although it seems logic, it is a first in art books and an important innovation that all paintings are also shown in their original 1:1 size, showing the power and detail of the brushstroke, the vibrancy and complexity of colours, highlighting the painter’s genius. We feel the intimacy standing exactly where once the painter stood. Besides the ‘Limited Edition’, a 5-killogramme ‘Unlimited Edition’ of 33.2 x 23.7 x 5 cm and a 'Special Edition' (2019) are available. For the ultimate book aficionados, a bespoke ‘Unique Art Edition’ with a gold-plated emblem and gold plating and handwritten calligraphy in your own language is available on order. In 2020 the 4th reprint of this book arrived. Revised and enriched with the two wedding paintings Marten & Oopjen and the Standard Bearer of Rembrandt.

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