ViCe & VirTue
Decorté, 2010-2015
Product Design | Art Direction | Beauty | Advertising
Vice & Virtue is a scent that is as complex as a woman is. Unfortunately, we merely celebrate women’s virtue while vice is such a treasured chest of joy. From this poetic vision an unprecedented combination of elements arose. Having found the ultimate complexity and inherent contrast we were hesitant at first to put all of that in one container. It inspired us to create the world’s first two-component perfume.
Vice & Virtue perfume (2010) is a living liquid that performs as two individual elements until they harmoniously coalesce on the skin. The duality present in the solution creates a contradiction both in concept and character. The surreal magic of this split universe of personalities continues as a second edition was launched (2015). The beautiful crystal cut bottle includes a sweet glass pearl inside and its bottle neck is a vivid reminder of a Dutch collar.
Celebrating Decorté’s 45th anniversary, the timeless, iconic scent was made available in the form of eau de parfum, solid parfum and soap. Offered in a vessel exhibiting delicate all-round crystal cut imprints and a glittering crystal, the gentle flowery fragrance blurs the line between luxury and everyday life.